PZ Meyers of Pharyngula posts Stone soup; or, extracting protein fragments from T. rex bones
Brian Switek of Laelaps in his post, And the T. rex goes… cock-a-doodle-do?
Mike Ryan of Palaeoblog posts T. rex Protein Sequenced
And the original article:
Analyses of soft tissue from Tyrannosaurus rex suggest the presence of protein. 2007. Science 316: 277 - 280
Thanks for the link, especially since other bloggers have a far better idea of what's actually going on with this than I do. I think it's great we have this data from a T. rex at all, but I think we definitely need more data on this kind of sequencing in general to get a more accurate view (i.e. get some crocodilians sequenced and see if they're closer than the frogs/newts).
Much too awesome for words. I think it's funny that T.rex has become not only one of the best understood dinosaurs in terms of osteology, but now in terms of genetics!
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