Luca Fenu of The Owl's Hide who contributed his own picture of Mount Etna to Janine’s Most Beautiful Volcano contest.
Michael J. Ryan of Palaeoblog who devoted a whole post (and humorous cartoon) to Fish Feet. Ryan’s tendonitis seems to be improving so lets hope he can continue with his regular posts!
John Hopkin, a new visitor who had an innovative approach to finding out what Janine’s secret volcano was:)
And finally, a big thank you to Janine herself who agreed to keep up my blog while I was away. She has done a stellar job! If you enjoyed her posts and would like to hear from her again, feel free to leave a comment.
Who's Jeanine?
I'd certainly be interested to read more about geology and volcanology from Janine. Perhaps a new blog might be a good idea?
Thank you Sandra, and Janine. I'm looking forward to Janin'es vulcanology spin-off, as one old italian ad said, "Two is megl' che one!"
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