The Domestic Minx has a deliciously dysfunctional diary about domestic living.
Ok, I said I wasn’t going to post a science blog, but this one is really good and completely out my realm of expertise. The (recently launched) All About Forensic Science blog explores anything and everything to do with forensic science.
Cucina Povera, which has a million great recipes for sustainable, organic living.
Wild in London is an excellent blog about the wildlife that can be found in one of the world’s largest cities.
and Clubbing Baby Seals... an interesting blog about the weird world around us and someone of the weirder products we can buy.
Thanks so much! I was beginning to lose my motivation to post, when I saw your comment. This was fun, and I really like your blog.
Happy birthday, Sarda. And thanks for all the fish feet!
Thank you so much for my award, Sarda x
I feel incredibly honoured and also a blissful part of serendipity - how curiously odd that I was thinking of you, as you were thinking of me.
What a brilliant hybrid we make!
I really love your blog. It is constantly entertaining and fascinating.
Thank you xx
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